Monday, April 18, 2011

Westminster Abbey royal wedding app released (Reuters)

LONDON (Reuters) – Mobile-phone users crossways the sphere module be able to take a realistic achievement up the passageway of borough Abbey ahead of Prince William and Kate Middleton's wedding.

The Abbey 3D app module provide Android, iPhone and iPad users access to the past stag church using a framework commonly utilised in film creation but rarely applied to mobile devices.

The app begins at the Great West Door, where playwright module start on Apr 29th, before proceedings up the passageway to the High Altar.

Flashing up along the artefact module be "hotspots" of information, including the Grave of the Unknown Warrior, and their meaning on the period of the wedding.

Archive pictures and potted biographies on key participants at the stag ceremony module be on the app as substantially as archive pictures and past facts of preceding stag weddings.

It module also exhibit a cross-section bird's-eye view of the abbey display the layout of the church.

(Writing by Avril Ormsby; Editing by Paul Casciato)



John Abraham on July 5, 2011 at 11:29 PM said...
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